QR Code Treasure hunt

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20140128_123901I don’t know where I got this interest in QR codes from as they are not that popular yet in South Africa. On recent trip to the UK I found them often in newspapers linking to product websites and wondered how difficult would it be to make my own. A lot of students now have phones capable of reading QR codes so I thought it would be a fun to make a QR code treasure hunt. I decided to only inform the principal of the school and no member of staff to keep it as secret as possible. The interesting thing about QR codes is the it’s not like a normal treasure hunt as there is an air of mystery about these unusual symbols. You don’t tend to notice QR codes as much as normal text and it was a lot of fun hiding them around the school. We had eight base stations in total and I designed the clues so that it wouldn’t matter which QR code the students scanned in first with a loop of 8 different clues. With each clue the students would gain an extra letter and these letters would all make up a master key word. One of my favourite hiding places for hiding the QR codes was behind one of the basketball hoops. If you are interested in making your own QR codes there are plenty of apps and also many free online QR code generators.www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ was the website that I used to make my QR codes as it outputs the QR codes as simple png format that can easily be printed


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